
简单句变复杂句的过程就是扩句的过程!把句子主干中的每个成分 前加上修饰成分(……的;……地)就是汉语的造句逻辑。
把修饰成分换成一个句子或者把句中的名词换成一个句子,简单句 就变成了更复杂的句子。英语跟汉语相比,英语句子为了表达清楚 这种修饰或主干的替换必须要有连接词出现,起连接和提醒读者句子结构的作用(which /that/who/whose /why/how/when/where/ because/so that/)。
如果要省略掉先行词,首先这个先行词得是空的、没有内容的字眼,像 thing、people 等等。
把关系代名词改写为 what 来表示前面省掉的先行词。例如:
1 I have the thing.
2 You need it.
这两个句子中的 the thing 和 it 重复,建立了两句间的关系,可以用关系从句的方式合成复句:
1+2:I have [the thing] [that (or which)] you need.
S1 V1 O1(先行词) O2(关系词) S2 V2
接下来可以有两种变化。首先,关系代名词(that 或 which)在关系从句中是need 的宾语,可以省略掉,成为:
1+2:I have the thing you need.
S1 V1 S2 V2
另外,先行词 the thing 是空的字眼,也可以选择省略它。可是句子中的 the thing 省掉以后,主要从句 I have 就缺了宾语,关系从句(that you need)也失去了它修饰的名词,所以要修改成为:
1+2:I have what you need.
S1 V1 S2 V2
把关系词由 that 改成 what,表示前面有一个省略掉的先行词。在句型分析时也可以说 what you need 是名词从句,作为 have 的宾语。
关系副词 when 就是时间副词 then 的改写,有连接词的功能。请看下例:
1 The rain came at a time.
2 The farmers needed it most then.
这两个句子以 a time 和 then 的重复建立关系(then 就是 at that time)。把时间副词 then 改写为关系副词 when,借以连接两句,即成为:
1+2:The rain came (at a time)(when)the farmers needed it most.
先行词关 系从句
如果认定 when 的先行词是 a time (名词),那么关系从句形容这个名词,依旧是形容词类。这样的诠释比较统一,也比较单纯。也就是:在省略之前,关系从句全部都是形容词从句,所有的形容词从句也都是关系从句,两者间可划等号。
说到省略,观察1+2 可发现:
at a time 和 when 都是空洞、无内容的字眼(不像 in 1964, last January 之类有明确内容的时间);
at a time 和 when 重复;
at a time 和 when 都是可有可无的副词类。
基于这三点,at a time 和 when 应该择一省略来避免重复,也就是1+2可以省略而变成以下两种状况:
4 The rain came when the farmers needed it most.
5 The rain came at a time the farmers needed it most.
传统语法书说4中的关系从句(when the farmers needed it most)是副词从句,这是把 when 视为外加的连接词看待。这也可以讲得通,但是分析得不够透彻。因为 when 不是外加的连接词,而是内含的关系副词,只不过 at a time 被省略掉了,所以看不到先行词。反之,如果选择保留 at a time 而省略关系副词 when,就成为5的结果。 4 和 5 是同一个句子的不同省略方式,应该同样解释为关系从句比较合理。
1 I need some time.
2 I can be with my daughter then.
这两句由名词的 some time 和副词的 then (代表 at that time)产生交叉而建立关系,可改写为关系词 when 来连接:
1+2:I need some time (when) I can be with my daughter.
先行词 关系从句
本句如果要省略,仍可省去重复的关系副词 when,成为:
4 I need some time I can be with my daughter.
S V O 关系从句
但是如果省去同样重复的先行词 some time 就不行了:
5 I need when I can be with my daughter.(误)
S V 关系从句
这是因为 some time 虽然没有内容,而且重复,可是它属于名词类,不是可有可无的副词类,不能随便省略成上面这句;省略之后,及物动词 need 没有宾语,就是错误的句子。
1 I know the time.
2 He will arrive then.
这两句也是由 the time 和 then 的重复建立关系,可以改写为关系从句,成为:
1+2:I know the time (when) he will arrive.
先行词 关系从句
这个句子当然也可以省掉关系副词 when,成为:
4 I know the time he will arrive.
先行词 关系从句
但是另一个重复元素,先行词 the time,属于名词类,应该是不能省略的,可是好像省掉也没错。请看下列:
5 I know when he will arrive.(我知道他什么时候会到。)
5 怎么看都是正确的句子,那么是不是表示名词的先行词也可以省略?如果可以的话,前面的例子(I need some time (when) I can be with my daughter )为什么不能省略some time?
名词的先行词不能省略!至于5, 并不是省略名词的结果,甚至它根本不是关系从句,而是名词从句。
一个陈述句外加连接词 that 所构成,表示 that thing (那件事)。例如:
He said (that) he would call. (他说过要打电话来。)
S V O (名词从句)
由疑问词引导的疑问句改造而成,表示 a question (—个问题)。例如:
He asked how much it was.(他问它多少钱。)
S V O (名词从句)
这个例子中的名词从句就是由疑问句 How much is it 改造而成。
然而,还有一种名词从句,是由 Yes/No questions,也就是由不具疑问词的疑问句改造而成。例如:
Will he play basketball with us?(他会不会跟我们一起打篮球?)
这个疑问句没有疑问词,要如何改成名词从句?只加 that 是不成的。首先要把它改成:
Either he will play basketball with us or he will not.
No one knows whether he will play basketball with us (or not).
S V O (名词从句)
这个句子原本是 No one knows the question.,而 the question 就是 Will he play basketball with us?这个 Yes/No question。先改成 either…or 的构造,再与表示“何者”的 which 合并,就成了 whether。这就是 Yes/ No questions 改成名词从句的做法。
I know the time he will arrive.
S V O关系从句
那么 he will arrive 是关系从句,前面省掉关系副词 when,用来形容先行词 the time。因为 the time 是名词类,它不可以省略!
I know when he will arrive.
它并不是关系从句省掉 the time,因为名词的先行词不能就这样省略掉。而是下面的变化:
1 I know the question.
2 When will he arrive?
3 I know when he will arrive.
S V O (名词从句)
这是由疑问句改造而成的名词从句,与关系从句无关,并不是 the time 的省略。when 是疑问词,不是关系副词。
关系副词 where 就是地方副词 there 的改写,它的变化与when大同小异,请看:
1 The car stopped at a place.
2 Three roads met there.
1+2: The car stopped (at a place) (where) three roads met.
先行词 关系从句
1+2中的 at a place 和 where 都是副词类,应该择一省略以更为简洁。
The Johnsons have a place (where) they can get away from other people.
S V O(先行词) 关系从句
这个句子中的 where 是副词类,省掉无妨,可是省掉名词类的 a place 就会产生错误,读者可自行观察。
Please tell me where you were last night.
V O1 O2 (名词从句)
名词从句由 Where were you last night 而来。
关系副词另外还有两个:由 so 改写的 how 与由 for a reason 改成的 why。它们的变化也没什么特殊之处,只要注意关系从句与名词从句的差别即可。例如:
1 Can you show me the way?
2 You pulled off that trick in that way (=so).
1+2:Can you show me the way (how) you pulled off that trick?
先行词 关系从句
1+2中的关系副词 how 应省略掉比较精简,但是名词类的 the way 不能省略。所以:
Can you show me how you pulled off that trick?
S V O1 O2 (名词从句)
这句中的 how…从句应视为 How did you pull off that trick?这个疑问句改成的名词从句。how 是疑问词,而不是关系副词。
1 I've forgotten the reason.
2 I called for a reason.
1+2:I've forgotten the reason (why) I called.
先行词 关系从句
同样的,副词类的 why 省略为佳,名词类的 the reason 则不宜省略,所以:
I’ve forgotten why I called.
S V O(名词从句)
这句中的 why I called 应视为由 Why did I call? 改成的名词从句。
关系副词引导的关系从句,如果要用逗号与主要从句隔开,原因与关系代名词时的情形完全相同:将逗号视为一组括弧,括弧中的关系从句为补充说明的功能,失去了指示的功能。所以关系副词不能用指示代名词 that 来替代,同时也不能够省略。
1 Shakespeare was born in 1564.
2 Queen Elizabeth I was on the throne then.
2 的 then 和 1 的 1564 重复,建立关系,改写成关系词 when 。然后,因为先行词 1564 是一个明确的年代,不是模糊的时间(像 a time 等),所以只能补充说明那一年有什么特别的事情,而不是进一步指出时间。这种性质的先行词,后面要用括弧性的逗号把关系从句括起来,成为:
1+2:Shakespeare was born in 1564,when Queen Elizabeth I was on the throne.
先行词 关系从句
(莎士比亚出生于 1564 年,当时伊莉莎白女王一世在位。)
Wh-ever 与副词从句
wh-ever 解释为 no matter wh-,是表示让步、条件的语气,它的功能相当于副词从句的连接词,引导的就是副词从句。例如:
Whenever(=No matter when) he gets upset, he turns on the radio.
这个句子中 whenever 当作 no matter when (不论何时)来解释,是一种表让步或条件的语气,和 if 的语气近似。它引导的从句就当副词从句看待,也就是直接附加在主要从句上,修饰其动词 turns on。
另外,wherever, however 等由关系副词变出来的连接词,同样都分别解释为 no matter where, no matter how,后而引导的也都是副词从句。
可是由关系代名词变出来的 whoever, whatever 与whichever 的变化就比较复杂,请看:
Whoever(=No matter who) stole the money, it can't be John.
这个 whoever 当作 no matter who (不论谁)来用,仍是让步的语气,所以引导的从句还是作副词从句诠释,直接附在主要从句上。
I'll fire whoever(= anyone that) stole the money.
S V O(关系从句省略先行词,成为名词从句)
这个句子中的 whoever 不能解释为 no matter who,因为这样一来后面的从句成了副词从句,那么动词 fire 就没有宾语了。whoever 应该解释为 anyone that,这样 fire 才有宾语(anyone)。
这种区分对 whatever、whichever 这两个关系代名词也要注意,试比较下面句子:
Whatever (= No matter what) he may say, I won't change my mind.
(副词从句) S V O
Whatever (= ***nything that) he may say won't be true.
S(关系从句省略先行词成为名词从句) V C
Whichever (= No matter which) way you go, I'll follow.
(副词从句) S V
Whichever way (= ***ny way that) you go is fine with me.
S(关系从句省略先行词成为名词从句) V C
wh-ever 的构造,如果解释为 no matter wh-,近似让步、条件的语气,其后的从句要当副词从句解释,直接附在主句上作修饰语。但是如果解释为 anyone/anything that,就是关系从句省略掉先行词,后面的从句因而要当名词从句解释, 在主句中扮演主语、宾语……等的名词角色。
***lso, some students don't know how to save time.
The homework is so much that ways must be found to make students feel more relaxed and for the children, they should make good use of their time.
I believe the time when we played online chess together was so great that both of us will never forget.
***lthough riding shared bike(共享单车) is an environmentally friendly way to travel, many of the bikes are thrown everywhere.
Phone (phone) if you stay somewhere else so that your parents don't call every hospital in the phone book looking for your body.
So if you come here in winter, you can enjoy many beautiful things made of ice and snow in excitement.
The public bikes are painted bright yellow and put around the city.
However, there were some troubles that are behind the new look.
I wonder what life was like here in the past.
How he wished that Chang’e could come back!
No matter what they look like, they" re all people’s wishes for good luck and happy new year.
Passengers wipe their necks with cloths, which are then placed in a can and put in front of dogs to sniff.
There is an introduction in the front of book, which tells you about the book.
Randy Moore who is with the U.S Forest Service told the reporter.
They even asked to touch my head to see if anything was different.
Uniforms are good for those students whose families are in lower class of society.
***nd then you must keep calm and stay there until the shaking stops.
Japan is a country which lies on the earthquake belt(地震带) and it is very good at dealing with earthquakes.
I will never forget the poor village that I visited during the summer vacation.
This is the boy whose father is a pop singer.
They produce different shapes and colors of vases and pots, but the most common things are dishes and plates.
下回我们继续 章节二十一 复合句之复句 的讨论!形容词从句的深入研究!如果对你有用,记得让更多的人参与学习!我是有温度的英语陈老师!
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