Young Trees
When John was walking through the forest with his axe, a small tree stopped him and said, "Please cut down all the other trees in the forest, I beg you! They get in the way, they block out the sun, they don't let me develop, you see, I can't use my hands and feet. If you will do me this favor and help me to cut down all the other trees, I am sure that in a year I will grow into a huge tree and my branches will cover from hill to hill." Zhang San listened to the trouble of young trees, decided to help young trees a favor. So, Zhang S***N grabbed his axe and chopped at random until he cut down all the trees around the tree.
Poor little tree! ***fter a few days of such a clear day, he could not stand the heat of the sun, and then there was a storm, and the little tree was broken in the middle.
"How silly," said the little tree, hearing a snake nearby. "You have brought all this trouble on yourself. If the tree is still around you, how did you end up like this? They will shade you and shelter you from the poisonous heat of the sun and the fury of the tempest. When those trees reach the end of their lives, it's time to grow up. If you had grown into a giant tree, none of this would have happened. I am sure you will be able to weather the storm, however great it may be."
In fact, we are like young trees, sometimes want to separate from parents, free to live, but, parents of our education is like a tree to the protection of young trees, we should be at home long love slowly experience life so as to grow into a tree not afraid of wind and rain.

张三带着斧头在树林里走过,一棵小树拦住他,对他说道:“求你快把森林里其他的树都砍掉吧,我求求你了!它们太碍事了,总是遮挡住阳光,还不让我自由发展,你看,我连手脚都施展不开呢。如果你肯帮我这个忙,帮我把其他的树都砍掉的话,我相信,一年之内,我就可以长成一棵参天大树,我的树枝将会从这个山头覆盖到那个山头。” 张三听了小树的烦恼,决定帮小树一个忙。于是,张三抢起斧头一阵乱砍,直到把小树周围所有的树砍个精光。
“好傻啊,” 小树听见附近有一条蛇说道,“这些都是你自己招来的祸患啊。如果你身边的大树还在,你怎么会落到如此下场呢?即便有毒热的太阳,强烈的暴风雨,它们都会荫蔽你,都会为你遮风挡雨的。当那些树木的寿命到头的时候,你也就该长大了。你长成参天大树了,就不会有今天这样的事情发生了。我相信,那时候的你,不管是多大的暴风雨都能够经受得住。”
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